Menu Plan Monday – October 29

October 29, 2012

Happy Monday! I was all set with my menu for the week until Hurricane Sandy became a serious threat. I’m sitting at home right now waiting for the storm to hit and wondering what we’ll do if we lose power. I wasn’t nervous about this storm until everyone else around me seemed to be panicking. I think it’s contagious! I had a great plan to go to Fairway for my weekly grocery run and to make my butternut squash soup for Thanksgiving (one easy thing I can make in advance and freeze). So much for that! I guess Thanksgiving prep will have to wait (I know it seems early to start, but with two kids and work I need to start ASAP! It’s my first year making Thanksgiving in my new home – just a little pressure on me here!). If we lose power my menu will be changed to canned beans and cereal, but hopefully that won’t be the case and I’ll be able to stick to the original plan.

menu plan monday

Monday: Leftover Thai Peanut Chicken and Roasted Broccoli

Tuesday: Peanutty Noodles with Kale & Red peppers

Wednesday: Tomato White Bean Soup with Kale Pesto and Roasted Brussels Sprouts

Thursday: Fish with Mango Chimichurri and Roasted Broccoli

Friday: Cider Sage Steak with Roasted Carrots and Balsamic Pearl Onions

Saturday: Date Night!

Sunday: Pizza and salad

What will you be enjoying this week? Have you ever cooked through a hurricane?

Linking up at Org Junkie’s Menu Plan Monday.

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  1. I’m visiting from Organized Junkie’s Menu Plan Monday today.
    You’ll do fine with your first Thanksgiving dinner. I finally made mine 2 years ago and the hubby loved it.
    I haven’t cooked during a hurricane in almost 20 years. I’ve been living on the West coast. Fires, earthquakes and floods are what we’ve dealt with. I hope all that are in the path of Sandy stay safe.
    Looks like there’s going to be some amazing meals this week.
    Happy Halloween!

    1. Thank you! Luckily we made it through the storm safely, but we lost power, so this week’s meals have not gone as planned. Monday night and Tuesday night I was able to cook on the stove, but by Wednesday morning we had no hot water and heat. Will have to make the rest of the week’s recipes another time!