Menu Plan Monday – October 15

October 15, 2012

When clients ask me how they can eat healthier, one of the first tips I give them is to plan ahead. The biggest challenges to heathy eating tend to come when we’re busy and don’t have time to cook or we just grab whatever is most convenient, which isn’t always the best option for our health and waistline. Over the past few months I have come to take my own advice. Planning a weekly menu is the most important task I do in order to put healthy dinners on the table most nights of the week.

Last week I saw a blog post of one of my fellow RD friends (who is also a mom), Ann Dunaway Teh, in which she posted her weekly menu plan. Turns out she is one of hundreds of food bloggers who share their weekly menus as part of Menu Plan Monday. MPM was started by Laura from I’m an Organizing Junkie. Menu planning is not just about eating healthier, it’s about being organized too. Along with my weekly menu plan, I put together a grocery list so that I can get all the items I need for the week and not run back and forth to the supermarket multiple times. (Of course some items like fish I get the day of cooking.) I’m excited to join MPM this week! Take a look at what I’ll be cooking and check out the menus of other MPM members below!

menu plan monday

Monday: Leftover Moroccan Harira and Roasted Cauliflower

Tuesday: Chicken Tacos with Mango Salsa and Roasted Broccoli

Wednesday: Mom’s night out! Leftovers for hubby.

Thursday: Cider-Glazed Cod with Cider Wheatberry Salad with Acorn Squash

Friday: Brisket with Carrots and Sweet Potatoes (in the freezer from Rosh Hashana) served with Quinoa and Roasted Brussels Sprouts

Saturday: Dinner party – Mushroom Onion Tartlets, Roasted Chicken with Onions, Carrots, and Dried Plums over Mashed Squash (and dessert too if i get the chance to bake!)

Sunday: Out for a wedding!

What’s on your menu plan this week?

Linking up at Org Junkie’s Menu Plan Monday.

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  1. Thanks for the shout out and so glad you are taking part in MPM! I will say the accountability of my blog ensures I don’t slack off on my menu planning! It saves me so much time and stress each week.