Menu Plan Monday (March 4-March 10)

March 4, 2013

What do you do when you have leftover mint? Make mojitos! That’s what I’ll be doing this week. I bought mint a couple of weeks ago to make a side dish. Of course I only needed a little bit, so ever since I’ve been trying to use it before it goes bad. Last week I included the mint in a frittata and last minute threw it into my barley dish on Friday (recipes to come). But I still have a lot left and I just can’t think of anything else to make right now (most of what I like with mint isn’t in season yet), so mojitos it is! And to go with the mojitos I’ll be trying my hand at making a Cuban dish – Ropa Vieja.

How do you use mint in the kitchen?

Menu Plan Monday

Monday: Leftovers from last Friday

Tuesday: Tofu Mushroom ‘Quiche‘ from NY Times Recipes for Health with Arugula Salad with Cider Honey Vinaigrette

Wednesday: Chicken Udon Soup with Bok Choy and Mushrooms

Thursday: Ropa Vieja with Arroz Congri (rice and black beans) and Mojitos!

Friday: Leftovers

Saturday: Dinner with friends

Sunday: Up in the air

Have a Nutritioulicious Week!

Linking up at Org Junkie’s Menu Plan Monday.

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    1. Thanks Ann! As usual I am basing the recipe off of some that inspired me, but making it my own. Plan to post it if it comes out good!