Menu Plan Monday (January 7-January 13)

January 7, 2013

Hope your new year is off to a fresh start. If you’ve made some resolutions, I hope that you are still holding strong and working your way to meeting your aspirations for the year. I would love to hear what you all resolved to achieve in 2013, so please comment here, Tweet to me, or post on the Small Bites by Jessica Facebook page. And if there’s anything I can do to help you meet your goals please let me know!

This week’s menu plan is a combination of some new recipes I’ve been storing in my “To Cook” file and some favorites I haven’t made in a while. Enjoy and please share what you’re having this week!

menu plan monday

Monday: Asian Chopped Salad with Seasoned Tofu ‘Fingers’ (from NY Times Recipes for Health)

Tuesday: Leftovers from last Friday

Wednesday: Chicken Negimaki and Green Beans with Sautéed Mushrooms and Garlic (a modified version of this Everyday Food recipe)

Thursday: Sun-dried Tomato and Mozzarella Frittata

Friday: Thai Skirt Steak with Chili-Lime Roasted Butternut Squash (without the salad) and Kale with Oranges and Mustard Dressing

Saturday: Dinner out for my parents’ 40th anniversary

Sunday: Vegetarian Indian dinner with friends

Have a nutritious and delicious week!

Linking up at Org Junkie’s Menu Plan Monday.

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