Menu Plan Monday: January 4, 2016

January 4, 2016

The first Menu Plan Monday of the new year. Plus, where I’m at with my goals for 2016. 

menu plan monday and link love at nutritioulicious

Happy New Year 2016!! 

I hope you all had a fantastic New Year’s and are off to a great start for the first full week of the new year! We had a very festive start to the year that began with our New Year’s Eve party last Thursday night with 12 kids and 12 adults and ended yesterday with my girls’ 4th birthday party (they officially turn 4 tomorrow – where has the time gone?!).

kids yoga birthday party
Charlotte (in blue) and Sabrina (in pink) having a blast at their yoga party!

Things don’t seem to slow down on our end – we’re off to Vermont this coming weekend for our first ski trip with the kids. It should be interesting to see how they like it, and even more so how this mommy does after 5+ years being off skis. Let’s hope I’m not too sore! It’s a little challenging to get entirely on track post holiday festivities when there are birthdays to celebrate and weekends away, but hopefully after this weekend we’ll get back to routine at our house.

kids skiing
Getting ready to go skiing for the first time!

I’m sure many of you are knee deep in New Year’s resolution and goal setting, but if you’ve followed along with me for the past 7 years, you’ll know resolutions aren’t my thing. A few years ago we shared some easy diet and behavior changes you can make for the year ahead, all of which apply for this year too. I also took a stab at focusing on 3 words to shape the new year for myself, and looking back at that post today I can say there’s still some work to be done.

I haven’t yet had a chance to sit down and think about my goals for 2016, but the focus on calm is something I need to go back to. It’s a hard thing to do these days when nothing seems to stop – email, social media, kids’ activities, meals to be cooked, dishes to be cleaned, laundry to be done.

I have some work-related goals for the year ahead, but before I can get to those I need to spend a little time and energy on my own well-being. So as a little heads up, if you don’t see as many blog posts, Tweets, Facebook updates, or Instagram pictures as usual over the next few weeks, don’t fret – I’ll be back soon enough.

In the meantime, check back later this week for my 5 Ways to Start the New Year Off on a Healthy Foot, and for now, scroll down to see some of my fave links from last week and my Menu Plan Monday for the short week I have ahead!


Childhood Nutrition Wisdom @ Just the Right Byte (Jill always has the best advice for feeding kids – if you have children, you must read this!)

One Step at a Time – New Year’s Resolutions @ Emily Fonnesbeck, RD (I love this post and philosophy)

8 Kids Nutrition & Feeding Trends to Follow in 2016 @ Yummy Mummy Club

2016: New Intentions for the New Year @ Love Life Surf (this is an inspiring post, especially given what I said above. It’s time for me to sit down and close my books from 2015 and come up with my word for the year ahead)


Teriyaki Turkey Meatballs @ Your Choice Nutrition

Butternut Squash Couscous Fritters @ Krolls Korner

Menu plan monday


Week of January 4, 2015

Monday: Leftovers – Baked Ziti, Poached Salmon, and Pureed Mushroom Soup

Tuesday:  Birthday dinner for my girls! Peanut Soba Noodles with Crispy Tofu and Vegetables (their request!)

Wednesday: TBD to use up produce in the house before we go skiing

Thursday: Off Duty!

Friday: Off Duty!

Have you made any resolutions or set any goals for the New Year?

Tweet me @JLevinsonRD with #DinnerTonight

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    1. Thanks Sonali! The yoga party was so much fun!! Ha – I used to ski every winter since I was 3, but it’s been a long time. Hope I can tolerate the cold!

  1. Your family is the cutest!!! I hope your ladies had a great 4th birthday! And I love that they requested those soba noddles- that’s definitely a step above from my younger days. I was always a grilled cheese fan (saturated fat for the win lol!). Have a great week and I’m sure 2016 is going to be great for you! XOXO

    1. Aw, thanks so much Liz! And yes, they have very refined palates – nothing like mine when I was a kid – grilled cheese was a staple of my diet back then!!

  2. Happy Birthday to your sweet girls! And, have fun skiing! We went skiing right after Christmas, and this was the first year BOTH my kids were passing me up on the slopes. Sigh… I don’t do resolutions either, but working on some new habits, and “calm” is something I’m focusing on too, including taking a stab at daily meditation. So far, so good 🙂

    1. Thanks so much EA! The girls loved skiing and I can’t wait for them to both be skiing with us down the mountain! That’s great to hear you’re doing daily meditation and it’s going well so far!