Menu Plan Monday (February 4-February 10)

February 4, 2013

Did you enjoy your Super Bowl Sunday? Would love to know what everyone ate at their Super Bowl party! If you enjoyed a little too much, don’t despair. It’s a new day, so get back on track with whatever your goals are and start the week fresh.

Recap of last week: The week started off great with a delicious frittata and a special Greek night dinner. Wednesday’s Dominican night was a hit too. But then it struck – a stomach bug. Luckily I wasn’t affected, but my girls, husband, and nanny were. So that meant no Indian dinner Thursday night, and Friday’s planned meal was out the window. Oh well. We’ll try again this week!

Menu Plan Monday

Monday: Chicken with Trader Joe’s Quinoa and Roasted Broccoli

Tuesday: Girls’ Night Out!

Wednesday: Out again. Heading to the Red Dress Collection Fashion Show (in honor of February’s Heart Health Month)

Thursday: Peanut Noodles (from We Can Cook)

Friday: Glazed Roasted ChickenBulgur with Ginger & Orange, Roasted Cauliflower

Saturday: Dinner with friends at NoMa Social

Sunday: Open to suggestions

What’s On Your Menu This Week?

Linking up at Org Junkie’s Menu Plan Monday.

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