Make Your Heart Your Valentine

February 14, 2011

Until last week, I never really thought about the fact that Valentine’s Day — a day symbolized by the color red, hearts, and chocolate — falls in the middle of American Heart Month — a time also recognized by red and hearts (and you can throw some chocolate in there too, as long as you keep it to dark chocolate!). It could just be a coincidence, but I actually think there’s something interesting about these two events falling out at the same time of year.

Everyone thinks of Valentine’s Day as a day to express love for others, but how about showing some love for yourself by making your heart your valentine?! Treat your heart right this Valentine’s Day by doing any one of the following (or all of them!):

  • Take yourself out to a heart-healthy meal filled with vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein
  • Make a date with the treadmill, a walk in the park, or a spin class to get your heart rate up
  • Have a glass (if you’re a woman) or two (if you’re a man) of red wine
  • Treat yourself to a massage to de-stress
  • Indulge in an ounce of dark chocolate with 60-70% cacoa

Your heart deserves to be treated well, so give it some love this Valentine’s Day!

What are you doing to celebrate Valentine’s Day?

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  1. I was just thinking about that today: February is Heart Health Month – and today is Valentines: used this to help promote my upcoming Nutritional Workshop.

    Have a wonderful V-day, Jessica!! : )