Leek and Tomato Frittata

May 4, 2012

Spring is here, and that means flowers are in bloom as are “the first shoots of spring.” That was the theme for April’s Recipe ReDux challenge. Unfortunately I didn’t get my act together to whip something up in time for the challenge, but I happened to make a Nutritioulicious recipe that fit the bill a few days later. There was a special on Satur Farms‘ leeks at FreshDirect (an online supermarket, in case you aren’t familiar), and although I don’t normally cook with leeks, I was inspired by the recipes of my fellow ReDuxers. Since the twins were born it’s been hard to find time to cook, but ordering in every night is a drag, so I’ve been trying to put together quick, easy meals, especially ones with little clean-up. Eggs fall into this category and leeks seemed to be a good match for them. I had some grape tomatoes on hand, so I put together a leek and tomato frittata. Served with a salad and a couple slices of a whole wheat  baguette, I had a balanced, nutritious and delicious meal!

Leek and Tomato Frittata

My friends over at Momtrends are celebrating spring with the month of May dedicated to Fabulous Food. What perfect timing for me to share my love of seasonal and local produce with their readers. Check out my tips about seasonal eating and the Leek and Tomato Frittata recipe in my guest post.

What are you eating to celebrate spring?

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