What You Should Know About the Keto Diet

January 8, 2019

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Looking to start a diet in the new year? Check out my keto diet review with the pros, cons, and bottom line of this trendy diet.

Keto Diet Review: The pros, cons, and bottom line

Happy New Year! And diet season. I know at least a handful of people who started a new diet on January 2nd, and I know I’m not alone. Results from an informal survey found that 62% of my Instagram audience also knows someone who began a new diet for the new year. Whole30, paleo, intermittent fasting, and keto are some of the most buzzed about diets I heard mentioned at the table on New Year’s Eve.

Personally I’m not a fan of diets, which usually involve restricting certain food groups and are not sustainable for the long term. But after 12+ years as a registered dietitian, I know that people will try them because they want a quick fix – especially after indulging over the past month of holidays.

You may be surprised to see me writing about diets here – it’s not my normal content. But if you or your friends are planning to try one of these fad diets, I’d prefer you have accurate, science-based information rather than relying on celebrity success stories and uncredentialed health practitioners.

So let’s do a little keto diet review in case this is a diet you’re interested in trying in 2019. Before you start swearing off all those delicious carbs, I’m sharing what you need to know about this trendy diet in my latest article at Prevention.com. Check out my the pros, cons, and my bottom line opinion in my keto diet review here.

(If you’re more interested in sustainable changes, check out my practical lifestyle changes you can make for a healthier new year.)

Are you trying a new diet this year?

Share with me in the comments below!

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