Happy, Healthy, and nutritioulicious™ New Year

December 31, 2009

As we close out the end of one year and enter into another, it’s a great time to reflect on what we have accomplished over the past 365 days and think ahead to what we want to achieve in the next 365 days.

Take out a pen and paper and write down some of your goals for the new year. As I said in my post Resolve All Year Long, it’s best to do this throughout the year, so keep the list and reflect on it periodically in 2010. And don’t forget about The Basics of Goal Setting and writing them in a way that will Make Your Goals Count!

Whether you want to fulfill nutrition, fitness, work, or interpersonal goals, you will be more successful if you write them down. Store that piece of paper someplace you won’t forget and go celebrate what you’ve attained in the past year!

Wishing you and your families a Happy, Healthy, Nutritious, and Delicious new year!

nutritioulicious goal setting


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