Go meatless on Monday!

April 1, 2014

This post was written by Rosemary Squires

Have you heard of Meatless Monday?

Meatless Monday is a global public health awareness campaign that addresses the prevalence of preventable illnesses associated with excessive meat consumption. There are numerous health and environmental benefits for going meatless on Monday.

  • Diets higher in fruits and vegetables have been shown to reduce the risk of cancer and curb obesity, whereas high red meat consumption has been associated with a higher risk for heart disease and obesity and some cancers.
  • By eating more lean meats and plant-based proteins you can also help reduce your risk for obesity and many of the diseases associated with it like diabetes and heart disease.
  • Plant-based diets can also be easier on your wallet! Beans and tofu are less costly than animal-based proteins, plus they have a longer shelf life, which makes them good staples to always have on hand.
  • Livestock uses a lot of energy and resources to be produced, which is another reason why going meatless on Mondays can have a substantial impact on the environment! Every person can make a difference in making the earth a greener place!

In case you’re wondering, why Monday? Research has shown that Monday has the most significance as the day of the week for a “fresh start.” Think about how often you say “I’m going to start the week off on the right foot!”

Don’t think of Meatless Monday as a day of deprivation or the day you can only eat crudité and beans. And we’re certainly not saying to give up meat altogether – we love steak, meatballs, and a good burger just as much as others. But taking part in Meatless Monday is a great way to experiment with some vegetarian foods and recipes you may have otherwise not tried. Surely you’ve been inspired by some of the images you’ve seen on Pinterest! And remember: everybody has an impact on the health of the planet!

Try one of my favorite meatless recipes, Kale-Quinoa Salad, or Jessica’s latest meatless meal, Sriracha Black Bean Burgers.

Black Bean Burgers recipe redux

Do you participate in Meatless Monday?

Share your experience with us!


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