Food Day 2013

October 22, 2013

This post was written by Tiana Yom

Food Day 2013

On Thursday October 24th, Food Day will launch its nationwide celebration of healthy, affordable, and sustainably produced food and a grassroots campaign for better food policies. A multitude of national as well as state and local partners will take part in celebrating Food Day, including the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, Bolthouse Farms, Jamie Oliver Food Foundation, Eataly New York, and Teachers College Columbia University. To view the entire list of partners, visit Partner Organizations.

You too can be a part of this great day that will help people learn to eat healthier and have improved food policies! The Food Day team has provided various resources for you to organize and take part of a Food Day event in your neighborhood. There are guides and toolkits for how to bring Food Day to your school, whether in the classroom, cafeteria, or garden. There are similar resources for Campus Organizers and Faith Communities. With Halloween just around the corner, there’s even a Healthy Halloween Kit to help your family, students, and friends have a fun and healthy Halloween! To check out more fantastic ideas on how to host your own Food Day event, visit the Resources page.

Food Day 2013

You can attend Food Day events in your community or join the conversation about Food Day via Twitter and remember to add #FoodDay2013 to your tweets! Be sure to check out for more ideas to get involved.

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How are you going to Celebrate Food Day 2013?


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