CSA Dinner

July 19, 2010

Every Monday I get a delivery from a CSA (same one as last year), so by the end of the week I need to make sure there’s room in the fridge for a new batch of goodies. This past weekend I had a lot leftover from the previous delivery, so I got cooking! I made the following dishes:

Over the next few days I will share with you how they were all prepared. Here is what the dinner plate looked like with all four dishes:

dinner made with CSA foods

What do you do with your farm-fresh vegetables?

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  1. I feel like we are often on the same page: we are both dietitians, love traveling, CSAs, and we love to cook! I joined a CSA that was right around the corner from my house. Every week was a delightful surprise. I knew there’d usually be a lettuce and maybe root vegetables: but often had quite a few delightful discoveries: ie: Mizuna, Dandelion Greens, Elephant Kale, etc..with every weeks p/u. It was a fun challenge to use up the produce in meals and side dishes for the week as my CSA delivery on Tuesdays.

    1. 🙂 I love getting stuff from the CSA – it forces me to try things I would never buy. Even dietitians don’t eat every fruit and vegetable around!