Appetizers, Snacks, & Small Bites

Simple Ways to Enjoy Strawberries

Yesterday I told you about the nutritional benefits of strawberries. To follow up, here are some of the ways I like to include my farmers market strawberries into meals (you can do the same with strawberries from the supermarket too!): Top whole grain cereal, waffles, or pancakes with fat free yogurt and chopped fresh strawberries as a substitute for butter…

Movie Snacks

Disclosure: I am a media spokesperson for Frito Lay. As you saw yesterday, the calories, fat, and sodium in movie theater popcorn will do much more harm than good. And the candy at the counter is no better — the sizes are too big and filled with way too much sugar. So here you are, left wondering what you should…

All About Healthy Snacking: Why It’s Important, How to Do It, and Snack Ideas

Healthy snacking is an integral part of a healthy diet. Find out why it’s important, how to do it, and get some healthy snack ideas to get started! Pin this Post People are often surprised when I tell them that healthy snacking is a very important part of a balanced diet. They think if they snack they will take in extra calories and…

Peanut Butter Lovers Rejoice!

Clients, family members, and friends often ask me whether peanut butter can really be a part of their daily diet when it is so high in fat.  My answer is always the same: “Yes, but keep in mind …”  So when my sister-in-law recently told me that she and her friends have been conversing about which type of peanut butter…