Link Love – Week of August 31, 2015

August 31, 2015

Dietitian views on cleansing diets, basic meal planning tips, and a peanut butter cookie recipe roundup, all in this week’s Link Love!

The best links in nutrition, food, and health! @jlevinsonRD - Cleansing Diets, Meal Planning Tips & More in this week's Link Love.

Menu Plan Mondayย (MPM) is on vacation this week in honor of the last official week of summer and the upcoming Labor Day weekend. That and I’m going to Italy tonight for my friend’s wedding next weekend! Woo-hoo! I’ll be sure to sayย ciaoย to gelato for you all ๐Ÿ˜‰

Before I head out of the country,ย I wanted to leave you with some of my favorite links from the past week. And if you need some inspiration for what to cook this week, just look back at some of the MPM’s from this past month!


Dietitians Weigh In on Cleansing and Detox Diets @ Your Choice Nutrition (I loved reading the thoughts of fellow dietitians on this hot topic. Personally, I am not in favor of “cleanses” and “detox” diets when done in the form of elimination diets.)

4 Non-Sandwich School Lunch Ideas @ Mom to Mom Nutrition (I just love lunch kebabs!)

Advice For Dietetic Interns From RDs @ C It Nutritionally (Inspiring advice for RDs-to-be or even those who have been practicing for many years. Honored to be included in the roundup.)

Meal Planning 101 @ Avocado a Day Nutrition (You know menu planning is my jam!)


Vegetarian Rice & Bean Casserole @ Make Healthy Easy

Heirloom Tomato Galette with Kale Pesto @ Healthy Nibbles and Bits

Skillet Ground Turkey Curry with Garbanzo Beans and Dates @ In Wealth and Health

18 Awesome Peanut Butter Cookie Recipes You Need to Know About @ Caroline Kaufman, MS, RDN

How are you celebrating Labor Day Weekend?

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    1. Thanks Caroline – was so happy to include you! I can only imagine how hungry you were while putting that roundup together!

  1. You always have the best round-up of articles and recipes! Have a great trip and enjoy some R&R!

    1. Aw, thanks Katie! Makes me so happy to know it’s appreciated ๐Ÿ™‚ Hope you had a great Labor Day weekend and time away from the kiddos!