5 Nutrition Tips that Build a Strong Dietary Foundation {Part 1}

November 1, 2013

This post was written by Nutritioulicious blogger Ann Lokuta

I’m counting down the months until I can call myself a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist and begin a career in which I get to advise people how to eat well so they can live a life full of energy, happiness, and a plethora of healthy memories. I’ve been trying to nail down my own philosophy on nutrition along the way, but have quickly realized that this is going to be a lifetime process. So instead, I’ve started a list to build a strong dietary foundation. Any time I have an experience that changes the way I think about food, I add my learned lesson to the list so I can share it with others. Here’s a sneak peak of the first five and here’s to you living a long and nutritious life!

  1. Don’t point fingers. For decades society has been trying to find the one nutrient that is to blame for all of our health problems. The low-fat phase of the late 80’s and the low-carb diets that associated fear with bread are prime examples. These nutrient isolation diets tend to come and go as science inevitably debunks them with time. The truth is, you cannot blame a single nutrient or food for your overall health status. A healthy diet can include fat, carbs, and even sugar, as long as they are from nutrient-rich sources the majority of the time and eaten in moderation if not.
  2. Find your soul diet. All of us are unique in our lifestyles, taste preferences, and body type, so the idea that one diet fits all is not realistic. Take a look at the diets you have tried in the past and pick out the advice that you were able to follow. Maybe the Paleo Diet didn’t last because you couldn’t sustain giving up all grains, but you did start eating more plant-based proteins, which is a healthy eating habit that you could run with. Identify your past dietary successes and combine them to form your own sustainable “soul diet.”

Going into the weekend – when we often take break from our weekday eating routine – it’s a great time to think about these first two lessons and begin applying them to your life. This way you can begin to strengthen your dietary foundation with small and achievable goals. Stay tuned for a my next post, in which I’ll share my remaining tips!  

How will you live a Nutritioulicious life this weekend?

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