Wednesday Wonders

Wednesday Wonders: Mercury in Fish

Q: I try to keep a high protein diet, but don’t like to eat very much poultry or red meat. I am not a vegetarian and rely heavily on fish as a main source of protein. I am concerned that I ingest too much mercury. What kinds of fish do you suggest I buy that is low in mercury and easy to…

Wednesday Wonders: Using and Storing Fresh Ginger

Wednesday Wonders are back! Your burning nutrition, food, and cooking questions are answered here every Wednesday. Ask your questions in the comments section of any blog post, post your question on the Nutritioulicious facebook page, tweet it to me, or email me directly! Q: Hi Nutritioulicious! I’m trying a new recipe tonight for a lower-fat sweet & sour stirfry chicken….

Wednesday Wonders: BLT vs. Bagel with Cream Cheese

Q: Dear Jessica, I enjoy your blog! I am writing because I often find myself with limited choices when I am “on the run,” so my eating habits come down to “which is the better of the two.” Case in point, for lunch today, I ate a “kosher BLT” — some kosher sliced bacon-type meat (beef, not pig), with mayo,…

Wednesday Wonders: Carb Overload

We interrupt this week’s discussion of fat for today’s nutritioulicious™ Wednesday Wonders! Q: Hi nutritioulicious™! I was recently at brunch with friends and ate more carbs than I normally do in one meal. Between my bagel with lox, noodle pudding, and a cupcake I felt like I had all my carbohydrate servings for the day! I normally try to balance…