Swiss chard

What Are Swiss Chard and Garlic Scapes?

Yesterday I shared with you a recipe for Swiss Chard and Green Bean Stew. Some of the ingredients in this recipe are not the most widely used or well-known. Here is some information about two of the ingredients, including what they are, their nutritional benefits, and how they can be used. Swiss Chard What is it? Swiss chard is a…

Swiss Chard and Green Bean Stew

Last week I told you about my CSA dinner and shared the recipes for my Grilled Corn, Basil, and Tomato Salad and Roasted Red Potatoes, Kohlrabi, and Spring Onions. The third side dish I made for that meal was inspired by Food & Wine’s Quick White Bean Stew with Swiss Chard and Tomatoes. Since I had Swiss chard, green beans, garlic…

CSA Dinner

Every Monday I get a delivery from a CSA (same one as last year), so by the end of the week I need to make sure there’s room in the fridge for a new batch of goodies. This past weekend I had a lot leftover from the previous delivery, so I got cooking! I made the following dishes: Simply grilled…