
Strawberry Kefir Smoothie

This bright and creamy Strawberry Kefir Smoothie is filled with good-for-your-gut probiotics and is a quick and easy breakfast or snack that will satisfy your tastebuds. I’m not going to lie – I’ve never been the biggest smoothie fan. They’re easy to make and depending on what’s in them, they are refreshing and yummy, but I’m more of an “eat…

Valentine’s Dark Chocolate Strawberry Smoothie

Dark chocolate, creamy greek yogurt, and sweet strawberries are the perfect combination in this frosty, heart-healthy Valentine’s Day Dark Chocolate Strawberry Smoothie! Raise your hand if you love chocolate covered strawberries… Are you raising your hand? If so, you’ll love this Dark Chocolate Strawberry Smoothie! I’m definitely a believer that chocolate makes just about everything and anything better, and a…