
Caramelized Onion Dip

Yesterday I told you about the versatility of Greek yogurt, and what an especially good replacement it is for sour cream. As promised, and in honor of my husband, here is a recipe that generally uses sour cream (and one of his faves!), but comes out great using Greek yogurt instead. Plus, you won’t feel the least bit guilty indulging…

Cinnamon-Chili and Maple-Glazed Walnuts

As you know, lately I’ve been on a walnut kick ever since my visit to the walnut harvest. Well, a couple of weeks ago the nice people at the California Walnut Commission sent me a 5-pound bag of walnut halves from this year’s harvest! So I knew I needed to get cooking in the kitchen with these nutrition-filled babies! First…

Spiced Delicata Squash with Pears

The following post was written by nutritioulicious™ intern Jo Bartell As the fall sets in, I start to crave squash (well, I always crave squash), and I love that so many varieties of winter squash are at the farmers market, the grocery store, and in all the cooking magazines! One pretty and yummy winter squash that I sometimes forget about…

Cooking on the Couch

As you already know, I am very excited to see “Julie & Julia,” and of course with the movie coming out this week, there have been tons of articles about Julia Child, her cooking, and how we currently cook in comparison. One article in particular, that of Michael Pollan in this past weekend’s NY Times Magazine, was of most interest…